在application/admin/command/Crud/stubs 下
<?phpnamespace {%controllerNamespace%};use appcommoncontrollerBackend;/** * {%tableComment%} * * @icon {%iconName%} */class {%controllerName%} extends Backend{ /** * {%modelName%}模型对象 * @var {%modelNamespace%}{%modelName%} */ protected $model = null; protected $noNeedLogin = ['columns']; public function _initialize() { parent::_initialize(); $this->model = new {%modelNamespace%}{%modelName%};{%controllerAssignList%} } /** * 列设置 */ public function columns() { $columns=[ {%ajaxList%} ]; $this->success(__('表格列获取成功'),'',$columns); } /** * 默认生成的控制器所继承的父类中有index/add/edit/del/multi五个基础方法、destroy/restore/recyclebin三个回收站方法 * 因此在当前控制器中可不用编写增删改查的代码,除非需要自己控制这部分逻辑 * 需要将application/admin/library/traits/Backend.php中对应的方法复制到当前控制器,然后进行修改 */ {%controllerIndex%}}
define(['jquery', 'bootstrap', 'backend', 'table', 'form'], function ($, undefined, Backend, Table, Form) { var Controller = { index: function () { // 初始化表格参数配置 ajaxxxxxxxxxx Table.api.init({ extend: { index_url: '{%controllerUrl%}/index' + location.search, add_url: '{%controllerUrl%}/add', edit_url: '{%controllerUrl%}/edit', del_url: '{%controllerUrl%}/del', multi_url: '{%controllerUrl%}/multi', table: '{%table%}', } }); var table = $("#table"); Fast.api.ajax({ url: '{%controllerUrl%}/columns' }, function (data) { var columns = []; $.each(data, function (i, item) { var row ; row = { "field": item.field, "title": item.title, }; if(item.width) row.width=item.width if(item.buttons) row.buttons=eval('(' + item.buttons + ')'); if(item.type) row.visible=item.type if(item.visible) row.visible=item.visible if(item.operate) row.operate=item.operate if(item.addclass) row.addclass=item.addclass if(item.table) row.table=eval(item.table) if(item.events) row.events=eval(item.events) if(item.formatter) row.formatter=eval(item.formatter) columns.push(row); }); // 初始化表格 table.bootstrapTable({ url: $.fn.bootstrapTable.defaults.extend.index_url, pk: '{%pk%}', sortName: '{%order%}', columns: columns }); // 为表格绑定事件 Table.api.bindevent(table); }, function () { return false; }); },{%recyclebinJs%} add: function () { Controller.api.bindevent(); }, edit: function () { Controller.api.bindevent(); }, api: { bindevent: function () { Form.api.bindevent($("form[role=form]")); } } }; return Controller;});
<div class="form-group"> <legend>动态index</legend> {:Form::select('ajaxindex', ['0'=>'否', '1'=>'是'], '0', [])} </div>
增加生成动态列 的相关处理,原功能未改动
<?phpnamespace appadmincommand;use fastForm;use thinkConfig;use thinkconsoleCommand;use thinkconsoleInput;use thinkconsoleinputOption;use thinkconsoleOutput;use thinkDb;use thinkException;use thinkexceptionErrorException;use thinkLang;use thinkLoader;class Crud extends Command{ protected $stubList = []; protected $internalKeywords = [ 'abstract', 'and', 'array', 'as', 'break', 'callable', 'case', 'catch', 'class', 'clone', 'const', 'continue', 'declare', 'default', 'die', 'do', 'echo', 'else', 'elseif', 'empty', 'enddeclare', 'endfor', 'endforeach', 'endif', 'endswitch', 'endwhile', 'eval', 'exit', 'extends', 'final', 'for', 'foreach', 'function', 'global', 'goto', 'if', 'implements', 'include', 'include_once', 'instanceof', 'insteadof', 'interface', 'isset', 'list', 'namespace', 'new', 'or', 'print', 'private', 'protected', 'public', 'require', 'require_once', 'return', 'static', 'switch', 'throw', 'trait', 'try', 'unset', 'use', 'var', 'while', 'xor' ]; /** * Selectpage搜索字段关联 */ protected $fieldSelectpageMap = [ 'nickname' => ['user_id', 'user_ids', 'admin_id', 'admin_ids'] ]; /** * Enum类型识别为单选框的结尾字符,默认会识别为单选下拉列表 */ protected $enumRadioSuffix = ['data', 'state', 'status']; /** * Set类型识别为复选框的结尾字符,默认会识别为多选下拉列表 */ protected $setCheckboxSuffix = ['data', 'state', 'status']; /** * Int类型识别为日期时间的结尾字符,默认会识别为日期文本框 */ protected $intDateSuffix = ['time']; /** * 开关后缀 */ protected $switchSuffix = ['switch']; /** * 富文本后缀 */ protected $editorSuffix = ['content']; /** * 城市后缀 */ protected $citySuffix = ['city']; /** * JSON后缀 */ protected $jsonSuffix = ['json']; /** * Selectpage对应的后缀 */ protected $selectpageSuffix = ['_id', '_ids']; /** * Selectpage多选对应的后缀 */ protected $selectpagesSuffix = ['_ids']; /** * 以指定字符结尾的字段格式化函数 */ protected $fieldFormatterSuffix = [ 'status' => ['type' => ['varchar', 'enum'], 'name' => 'status'], 'icon' => 'icon', 'flag' => 'flag', 'url' => 'url', 'image' => 'image', 'images' => 'images', 'avatar' => 'image', 'switch' => 'toggle', 'time' => ['type' => ['int', 'timestamp'], 'name' => 'datetime'] ]; /** * 识别为图片字段 */ protected $imageField = ['image', 'images', 'avatar', 'avatars']; /** * 识别为文件字段 */ protected $fileField = ['file', 'files']; /** * 保留字段 */ protected $reservedField = ['admin_id']; /** * 排除字段 */ protected $ignoreFields = []; /** * 排序字段 */ protected $sortField = 'weigh'; /** * 筛选字段 * @var string */ protected $headingFilterField = 'status'; /** * 添加时间字段 * @var string */ protected $createTimeField = 'createtime'; /** * 更新时间字段 * @var string */ protected $updateTimeField = 'updatetime'; /** * 软删除时间字段 * @var string */ protected $deleteTimeField = 'deletetime'; /** * 编辑器的Class */ protected $editorClass = 'editor'; /** * langList的key最长字节数 */ protected $fieldMaxLen = 0; protected $ajaxindex = 0; protected function configure() { $this ->setName('crud') ->addOption('table', 't', Option::VALUE_REQUIRED, 'table name without prefix', null) ->addOption('controller', 'c', Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'controller name', null) ->addOption('model', 'm', Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'model name', null) ->addOption('fields', 'i', Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'model visible fields', null) ->addOption('force', 'f', Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'force override or force delete,without tips', null) ->addOption('local', 'l', Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'local model', 1) ->addOption('relation', 'r', Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL | Option::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, 'relation table name without prefix', null) ->addOption('relationmodel', 'e', Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL | Option::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, 'relation model name', null) ->addOption('relationforeignkey', 'k', Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL | Option::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, 'relation foreign key', null) ->addOption('relationprimarykey', 'p', Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL | Option::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, 'relation primary key', null) ->addOption('relationfields', 's', Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL | Option::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, 'relation table fields', null) ->addOption('relationmode', 'o', Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL | Option::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, 'relation table mode,hasone or belongsto', null) ->addOption('delete', 'd', Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'delete all files generated by CRUD', null) ->addOption('menu', 'u', Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'create menu when CRUD completed', null) ->addOption('setcheckboxsuffix', null, Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL | Option::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, 'automatically generate checkbox component with suffix', null) ->addOption('enumradiosuffix', null, Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL | Option::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, 'automatically generate radio component with suffix', null) ->addOption('imagefield', null, Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL | Option::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, 'automatically generate image component with suffix', null) ->addOption('filefield', null, Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL | Option::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, 'automatically generate file component with suffix', null) ->addOption('intdatesuffix', null, Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL | Option::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, 'automatically generate date component with suffix', null) ->addOption('switchsuffix', null, Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL | Option::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, 'automatically generate switch component with suffix', null) ->addOption('citysuffix', null, Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL | Option::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, 'automatically generate citypicker component with suffix', null) ->addOption('jsonsuffix', null, Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL | Option::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, 'automatically generate fieldlist component with suffix', null) ->addOption('selectpagesuffix', null, Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL | Option::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, 'automatically generate selectpage component with suffix', null) ->addOption('selectpagessuffix', null, Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL | Option::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, 'automatically generate multiple selectpage component with suffix', null) ->addOption('ignorefields', null, Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL | Option::VALUE_IS_ARRAY, 'ignore fields', null) ->addOption('sortfield', null, Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'sort field', null) ->addOption('headingfilterfield', null, Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'heading filter field', null) ->addOption('editorclass', null, Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'automatically generate editor class', null) ->addOption('db', null, Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'database config name', 'database') ->addOption('ajaxindex', null, Option::VALUE_OPTIONAL, 'automatically generate ajaxindex', null) ->setDescription('Build CRUD controller and model from table'); } protected function execute(Input $input, Output $output) { $adminPath = dirname(__DIR__) . DS; //数据库 $db = $input->getOption('db'); //表名 $table = $input->getOption('table') ?: ''; //自定义控制器 $controller = $input->getOption('controller'); //自定义模型 $model = $input->getOption('model'); $model = $model ? $model : $controller; //验证器类 $validate = $model; //自定义显示字段 $fields = $input->getOption('fields'); //强制覆盖 $force = $input->getOption('force'); //是否为本地model,为0时表示为全局model将会把model放在app/common/model中 $local = $input->getOption('local'); if (!$table) { throw new Exception('table name can't empty'); } //是否生成菜单 $menu = $input->getOption("menu"); //关联表 $relation = $input->getOption('relation'); //自定义关联表模型 $relationModel = $input->getOption('relationmodel'); //模式 $relationMode = $mode = $input->getOption('relationmode'); //外键 $relationForeignKey = $input->getOption('relationforeignkey'); //主键 $relationPrimaryKey = $input->getOption('relationprimarykey'); //关联表显示字段 $relationFields = $input->getOption('relationfields'); //复选框后缀 $setcheckboxsuffix = $input->getOption('setcheckboxsuffix'); //单选框后缀 $enumradiosuffix = $input->getOption('enumradiosuffix'); //图片后缀 $imagefield = $input->getOption('imagefield'); //文件后缀 $filefield = $input->getOption('filefield'); //日期后缀 $intdatesuffix = $input->getOption('intdatesuffix'); //开关后缀 $switchsuffix = $input->getOption('switchsuffix'); //城市后缀 $citysuffix = $input->getOption('citysuffix'); //JSON配置后缀 $jsonsuffix = $input->getOption('jsonsuffix'); //selectpage后缀 $selectpagesuffix = $input->getOption('selectpagesuffix'); //selectpage多选后缀 $selectpagessuffix = $input->getOption('selectpagessuffix'); //排除字段 $ignoreFields = $input->getOption('ignorefields'); //排序字段 $sortfield = $input->getOption('sortfield'); //顶部筛选过滤字段 $headingfilterfield = $input->getOption('headingfilterfield'); //编辑器Class $editorclass = $input->getOption('editorclass'); //编辑器Class $ajaxindex = $input->getOption('ajaxindex'); if ($setcheckboxsuffix) { $this->setCheckboxSuffix = $setcheckboxsuffix; } if ($enumradiosuffix) { $this->enumRadioSuffix = $enumradiosuffix; } if ($imagefield) { $this->imageField = $imagefield; } if ($filefield) { $this->fileField = $filefield; } if ($intdatesuffix) { $this->intDateSuffix = $intdatesuffix; } if ($switchsuffix) { $this->switchSuffix = $switchsuffix; } if ($citysuffix) { $this->citySuffix = $citysuffix; } if ($jsonsuffix) { $this->jsonSuffix = $jsonsuffix; } if ($selectpagesuffix) { $this->selectpageSuffix = $selectpagesuffix; } if ($selectpagessuffix) { $this->selectpagesSuffix = $selectpagessuffix; } if ($ignoreFields) { $this->ignoreFields = $ignoreFields; } if ($editorclass) { $this->editorClass = $editorclass; } if ($sortfield) { $this->sortField = $sortfield; } if ($headingfilterfield) { $this->headingFilterField = $headingfilterfield; } $this->reservedField = array_merge($this->reservedField, [$this->createTimeField, $this->updateTimeField, $this->deleteTimeField]); $dbconnect = Db::connect($db); $dbname = Config::get($db . '.database'); $prefix = Config::get($db . '.prefix'); //模块 $moduleName = 'admin'; $modelModuleName = $local ? $moduleName : 'common'; $validateModuleName = $local ? $moduleName : 'common'; //检查主表 $modelName = $table = stripos($table, $prefix) === 0 ? substr($table, strlen($prefix)) : $table; $modelTableType = 'table'; $modelTableTypeName = $modelTableName = $modelName; $modelTableInfo = $dbconnect->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '{$modelTableName}'", [], true); if (!$modelTableInfo) { $modelTableType = 'name'; $modelTableName = $prefix . $modelName; $modelTableInfo = $dbconnect->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '{$modelTableName}'", [], true); if (!$modelTableInfo) { throw new Exception("table not found"); } } $modelTableInfo = $modelTableInfo[0]; $relations = []; //检查关联表 if ($relation) { $relationArr = $relation; $relations = []; foreach ($relationArr as $index => $relationTable) { $relationName = stripos($relationTable, $prefix) === 0 ? substr($relationTable, strlen($prefix)) : $relationTable; $relationTableType = 'table'; $relationTableTypeName = $relationTableName = $relationName; $relationTableInfo = $dbconnect->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '{$relationTableName}'", [], true); if (!$relationTableInfo) { $relationTableType = 'name'; $relationTableName = $prefix . $relationName; $relationTableInfo = $dbconnect->query("SHOW TABLE STATUS LIKE '{$relationTableName}'", [], true); if (!$relationTableInfo) { throw new Exception("relation table not found"); } } $relationTableInfo = $relationTableInfo[0]; $relationModel = isset($relationModel[$index]) ? $relationModel[$index] : ''; list($relationNamespace, $relationName, $relationFile) = $this->getModelData($modelModuleName, $relationModel, $relationName); $relations[] = [ //关联表基础名 'relationName' => $relationName, //关联表类命名空间 'relationNamespace' => $relationNamespace, //关联模型名 'relationModel' => $relationModel, //关联文件 'relationFile' => $relationFile, //关联表名称 'relationTableName' => $relationTableName, //关联表信息 'relationTableInfo' => $relationTableInfo, //关联模型表类型(name或table) 'relationTableType' => $relationTableType, //关联模型表类型名称 'relationTableTypeName' => $relationTableTypeName, //关联模式 'relationFields' => isset($relationFields[$index]) ? explode(',', $relationFields[$index]) : [], //关联模式 'relationMode' => isset($relationMode[$index]) ? $relationMode[$index] : 'belongsto', //关联表外键 'relationForeignKey' => isset($relationForeignKey[$index]) ? $relationForeignKey[$index] : Loader::parseName($relationName) . '_id', //关联表主键 'relationPrimaryKey' => isset($relationPrimaryKey[$index]) ? $relationPrimaryKey[$index] : '', ]; } } //根据表名匹配对应的Fontawesome图标 $iconPath = ROOT_PATH . str_replace('/', DS, '/public/assets/libs/font-awesome/less/variables.less'); $iconName = is_file($iconPath) && stripos(file_get_contents($iconPath), '@fa-var-' . $table . ':') ? 'fa fa-' . $table : 'fa fa-circle-o'; //控制器 list($controllerNamespace, $controllerName, $controllerFile, $controllerArr) = $this->getControllerData($moduleName, $controller, $table); //模型 list($modelNamespace, $modelName, $modelFile, $modelArr) = $this->getModelData($modelModuleName, $model, $table); //验证器 list($validateNamespace, $validateName, $validateFile, $validateArr) = $this->getValidateData($validateModuleName, $validate, $table); //处理基础文件名,取消所有下划线并转换为小写 $baseNameArr = $controllerArr; $baseFileName = Loader::parseName(array_pop($baseNameArr), 0); array_push($baseNameArr, $baseFileName); $controllerBaseName = strtolower(implode(DS, $baseNameArr)); $controllerUrl = strtolower(implode('/', $baseNameArr)); //视图文件 $viewArr = $controllerArr; $lastValue = array_pop($viewArr); $viewArr[] = Loader::parseName($lastValue, 0); array_unshift($viewArr, 'view'); $viewDir = $adminPath . strtolower(implode(DS, $viewArr)) . DS; //最终将生成的文件路径 $javascriptFile = ROOT_PATH . 'public' . DS . 'assets' . DS . 'js' . DS . 'backend' . DS . $controllerBaseName . '.js'; $addFile = $viewDir . 'add.html'; $editFile = $viewDir . 'edit.html'; $indexFile = $viewDir . 'index.html'; $recyclebinFile = $viewDir . 'recyclebin.html'; $langFile = $adminPath . 'lang' . DS . Lang::detect() . DS . $controllerBaseName . '.php'; //是否为删除模式 $delete = $input->getOption('delete'); if ($delete) { $readyFiles = [$controllerFile, $modelFile, $validateFile, $addFile, $editFile, $indexFile, $recyclebinFile, $langFile, $javascriptFile]; foreach ($readyFiles as $k => $v) { $output->warning($v); } if (!$force) { $output->info("Are you sure you want to delete all those files? Type 'yes' to continue: "); $line = fgets(defined('STDIN') ? STDIN : fopen('php://stdin', 'r')); if (trim($line) != 'yes') { throw new Exception("Operation is aborted!"); } } foreach ($readyFiles as $k => $v) { if (file_exists($v)) { unlink($v); } //删除空文件夹 switch ($v) { case $modelFile: $this->removeEmptyBaseDir($v, $modelArr); break; case $validateFile: $this->removeEmptyBaseDir($v, $validateArr); break; case $addFile: case $editFile: case $indexFile: case $recyclebinFile: $this->removeEmptyBaseDir($v, $viewArr); break; default: $this->removeEmptyBaseDir($v, $controllerArr); } } $output->info("Delete Successed"); return; } //非覆盖模式时如果存在控制器文件则报错 if (is_file($controllerFile) && !$force) { throw new Exception("controller already exists!nIf you need to rebuild again, use the parameter --force=true "); } //非覆盖模式时如果存在模型文件则报错 if (is_file($modelFile) && !$force) { throw new Exception("model already exists!nIf you need to rebuild again, use the parameter --force=true "); } //非覆盖模式时如果存在验证文件则报错 if (is_file($validateFile) && !$force) { throw new Exception("validate already exists!nIf you need to rebuild again, use the parameter --force=true "); } require $adminPath . 'common.php'; //从数据库中获取表字段信息 $sql = "SELECT * FROM `information_schema`.`columns` " . "WHERE TABLE_SCHEMA = ? AND table_name = ? " . "ORDER BY ORDINAL_POSITION"; //加载主表的列 $columnList = $dbconnect->query($sql, [$dbname, $modelTableName]); $fieldArr = []; foreach ($columnList as $k => $v) { $fieldArr[] = $v['COLUMN_NAME']; } // 加载关联表的列 foreach ($relations as $index => &$relation) { $relationColumnList = $dbconnect->query($sql, [$dbname, $relation['relationTableName']]); $relationFieldList = []; foreach ($relationColumnList as $k => $v) { $relationFieldList[] = $v['COLUMN_NAME']; } if (!$relation['relationPrimaryKey']) { foreach ($relationColumnList as $k => $v) { if ($v['COLUMN_KEY'] == 'PRI') { $relation['relationPrimaryKey'] = $v['COLUMN_NAME']; break; } } } // 如果主键为空 if (!$relation['relationPrimaryKey']) { throw new Exception('Relation Primary key not found!'); } // 如果主键不在表字段中 if (!in_array($relation['relationPrimaryKey'], $relationFieldList)) { throw new Exception('Relation Primary key not found in table!'); } $relation['relationColumnList'] = $relationColumnList; $relation['relationFieldList'] = $relationFieldList; } unset($relation); $addList = []; $editList = []; $javascriptList = []; $ajaxList = []; $langList = []; $field = 'id'; $order = 'id'; $priDefined = false; $priKey = ''; $relationPrimaryKey = ''; foreach ($columnList as $k => $v) { if ($v['COLUMN_KEY'] == 'PRI') { $priKey = $v['COLUMN_NAME']; break; } } if (!$priKey) { throw new Exception('Primary key not found!'); } $order = $priKey; //如果是关联模型 foreach ($relations as $index => &$relation) { if ($relation['relationMode'] == 'hasone') { $relationForeignKey = $relation['relationForeignKey'] ? $relation['relationForeignKey'] : $table . "_id"; $relationPrimaryKey = $relation['relationPrimaryKey'] ? $relation['relationPrimaryKey'] : $priKey; if (!in_array($relationForeignKey, $relation['relationFieldList'])) { throw new Exception('relation table [' . $relation['relationTableName'] . '] must be contain field [' . $relationForeignKey . ']'); } if (!in_array($relationPrimaryKey, $fieldArr)) { throw new Exception('table [' . $modelTableName . '] must be contain field [' . $relationPrimaryKey . ']'); } } else { $relationForeignKey = $relation['relationForeignKey'] ? $relation['relationForeignKey'] : Loader::parseName($relation['relationName']) . "_id"; $relationPrimaryKey = $relation['relationPrimaryKey'] ? $relation['relationPrimaryKey'] : $relation['relationPriKey']; if (!in_array($relationForeignKey, $fieldArr)) { throw new Exception('table [' . $modelTableName . '] must be contain field [' . $relationForeignKey . ']'); } if (!in_array($relationPrimaryKey, $relation['relationFieldList'])) { throw new Exception('relation table [' . $relation['relationTableName'] . '] must be contain field [' . $relationPrimaryKey . ']'); } } $relation['relationForeignKey'] = $relationForeignKey; $relation['relationPrimaryKey'] = $relationPrimaryKey; $relation['relationClassName'] = $modelNamespace != $relation['relationNamespace'] ? $relation['relationNamespace'] . '\' . $relation['relationName'] : $relation['relationName']; } unset($relation); try { Form::setEscapeHtml(false); $setAttrArr = []; $getAttrArr = []; $getEnumArr = []; $appendAttrList = []; $controllerAssignList = []; $headingHtml = '{:build_heading()}'; $recyclebinHtml = ''; //循环所有字段,开始构造视图的HTML和JS信息 foreach ($columnList as $k => $v) { $field = $v['COLUMN_NAME']; $itemArr = []; // 这里构建Enum和Set类型的列表数据 if (in_array($v['DATA_TYPE'], ['enum', 'set', 'tinyint'])) { if ($v['DATA_TYPE'] !== 'tinyint') { $itemArr = substr($v['COLUMN_TYPE'], strlen($v['DATA_TYPE']) + 1, -1); $itemArr = explode(',', str_replace("'", '', $itemArr)); } $itemArr = $this->getItemArray($itemArr, $field, $v['COLUMN_COMMENT']); //如果类型为tinyint且有使用备注数据 if ($itemArr && $v['DATA_TYPE'] == 'tinyint') { $v['DATA_TYPE'] = 'enum'; } } // 语言列表 if ($v['COLUMN_COMMENT'] != '') { $langList[] = $this->getLangItem($field, $v['COLUMN_COMMENT']); } $inputType = ''; //保留字段不能修改和添加 if ($v['COLUMN_KEY'] != 'PRI' && !in_array($field, $this->reservedField) && !in_array($field, $this->ignoreFields)) { $inputType = $this->getFieldType($v); // 如果是number类型时增加一个步长 $step = $inputType == 'number' && $v['NUMERIC_SCALE'] > 0 ? "0." . str_repeat(0, $v['NUMERIC_SCALE'] - 1) . "1" : 0; $attrArr = ['id' => "c-{$field}"]; $cssClassArr = ['form-control']; $fieldName = "row[{$field}]"; $defaultValue = $v['COLUMN_DEFAULT']; $editValue = "{$row.{$field}|htmlentities}"; // 如果默认值非null,则是一个必选项 if ($v['IS_NULLABLE'] == 'NO') { $attrArr['data-rule'] = 'required'; } if ($inputType == 'select') { $cssClassArr[] = 'selectpicker'; $attrArr['class'] = implode(' ', $cssClassArr); if ($v['DATA_TYPE'] == 'set') { $attrArr['multiple'] = ''; $fieldName .= "[]"; } $attrArr['name'] = $fieldName; $this->getEnum($getEnumArr, $controllerAssignList, $field, $itemArr, $v['DATA_TYPE'] == 'set' ? 'multiple' : 'select'); $itemArr = $this->getLangArray($itemArr, false); //添加一个获取器 $this->getAttr($getAttrArr, $field, $v['DATA_TYPE'] == 'set' ? 'multiple' : 'select'); if ($v['DATA_TYPE'] == 'set') { $this->setAttr($setAttrArr, $field, $inputType); } $this->appendAttr($appendAttrList, $field); $formAddElement = $this->getReplacedStub('html/select', ['field' => $field, 'fieldName' => $fieldName, 'fieldList' => $this->getFieldListName($field), 'attrStr' => Form::attributes($attrArr), 'selectedValue' => $defaultValue]); $formEditElement = $this->getReplacedStub('html/select', ['field' => $field, 'fieldName' => $fieldName, 'fieldList' => $this->getFieldListName($field), 'attrStr' => Form::attributes($attrArr), 'selectedValue' => "$row.{$field}"]); } elseif ($inputType == 'datetime') { $cssClassArr[] = 'datetimepicker'; $attrArr['class'] = implode(' ', $cssClassArr); $format = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"; $phpFormat = "Y-m-d H:i:s"; $fieldFunc = ''; switch ($v['DATA_TYPE']) { case 'year': $format = "YYYY"; $phpFormat = 'Y'; break; case 'date': $format = "YYYY-MM-DD"; $phpFormat = 'Y-m-d'; break; case 'time': $format = "HH:mm:ss"; $phpFormat = 'H:i:s'; break; case 'timestamp': $fieldFunc = 'datetime'; // no break case 'datetime': $format = "YYYY-MM-DD HH:mm:ss"; $phpFormat = 'Y-m-d H:i:s'; break; default: $fieldFunc = 'datetime'; $this->getAttr($getAttrArr, $field, $inputType); $this->setAttr($setAttrArr, $field, $inputType); $this->appendAttr($appendAttrList, $field); break; } $defaultDateTime = "{:date('{$phpFormat}')}"; $attrArr['data-date-format'] = $format; $attrArr['data-use-current'] = "true"; $formAddElement = Form::text($fieldName, $defaultDateTime, $attrArr); $formEditElement = Form::text($fieldName, ($fieldFunc ? "{:$row.{$field}?{$fieldFunc}($row.{$field}):''}" : "{$row.{$field}{$fieldFunc}}"), $attrArr); } elseif ($inputType == 'checkbox' || $inputType == 'radio') { unset($attrArr['data-rule']); $fieldName = $inputType == 'checkbox' ? $fieldName .= "[]" : $fieldName; $attrArr['name'] = "row[{$fieldName}]"; $this->getEnum($getEnumArr, $controllerAssignList, $field, $itemArr, $inputType); $itemArr = $this->getLangArray($itemArr, false); //添加一个获取器 $this->getAttr($getAttrArr, $field, $inputType); if ($inputType == 'checkbox') { $this->setAttr($setAttrArr, $field, $inputType); } $this->appendAttr($appendAttrList, $field); $defaultValue = $inputType == 'radio' && !$defaultValue ? key($itemArr) : $defaultValue; $formAddElement = $this->getReplacedStub('html/' . $inputType, ['field' => $field, 'fieldName' => $fieldName, 'fieldList' => $this->getFieldListName($field), 'attrStr' => Form::attributes($attrArr), 'selectedValue' => $defaultValue]); $formEditElement = $this->getReplacedStub('html/' . $inputType, ['field' => $field, 'fieldName' => $fieldName, 'fieldList' => $this->getFieldListName($field), 'attrStr' => Form::attributes($attrArr), 'selectedValue' => "$row.{$field}"]); } elseif ($inputType == 'textarea') { $cssClassArr[] = $this->isMatchSuffix($field, $this->editorSuffix) ? $this->editorClass : ''; $attrArr['class'] = implode(' ', $cssClassArr); $attrArr['rows'] = 5; $formAddElement = Form::textarea($fieldName, $defaultValue, $attrArr); $formEditElement = Form::textarea($fieldName, $editValue, $attrArr); } elseif ($inputType == 'switch') { unset($attrArr['data-rule']); if ($defaultValue === '1' || $defaultValue === 'Y') { $yes = $defaultValue; $no = $defaultValue === '1' ? '0' : 'N'; } else { $no = $defaultValue; $yes = $defaultValue === '0' ? '1' : 'Y'; } if (!$itemArr) { $itemArr = [$yes => 'Yes', $no => 'No']; } $stateNoClass = 'fa-flip-horizontal text-gray'; $formAddElement = $this->getReplacedStub('html/' . $inputType, ['field' => $field, 'fieldName' => $fieldName, 'fieldYes' => $yes, 'fieldNo' => $no, 'attrStr' => Form::attributes($attrArr), 'fieldValue' => $defaultValue, 'fieldSwitchClass' => $defaultValue == $no ? $stateNoClass : '']); $formEditElement = $this->getReplacedStub('html/' . $inputType, ['field' => $field, 'fieldName' => $fieldName, 'fieldYes' => $yes, 'fieldNo' => $no, 'attrStr' => Form::attributes($attrArr), 'fieldValue' => "{$row.{$field}}", 'fieldSwitchClass' => "{eq name="$row.{$field}" value="{$no}"}fa-flip-horizontal text-gray{/eq}"]); } elseif ($inputType == 'citypicker') { $attrArr['class'] = implode(' ', $cssClassArr); $attrArr['data-toggle'] = "city-picker"; $formAddElement = sprintf("<div class='control-relative'>%s</div>", Form::input('text', $fieldName, $defaultValue, $attrArr)); $formEditElement = sprintf("<div class='control-relative'>%s</div>", Form::input('text', $fieldName, $editValue, $attrArr)); } elseif ($inputType == 'fieldlist') { $itemArr = $this->getItemArray($itemArr, $field, $v['COLUMN_COMMENT']); $itemKey = isset($itemArr['key']) ? ucfirst($itemArr['key']) : 'Key'; $itemValue = isset($itemArr['value']) ? ucfirst($itemArr['value']) : 'Value'; $formAddElement = $this->getReplacedStub('html/' . $inputType, ['field' => $field, 'fieldName' => $fieldName, 'itemKey' => $itemKey, 'itemValue' => $itemValue, 'fieldValue' => $defaultValue]); $formEditElement = $this->getReplacedStub('html/' . $inputType, ['field' => $field, 'fieldName' => $fieldName, 'itemKey' => $itemKey, 'itemValue' => $itemValue, 'fieldValue' => $editValue]); } else { $search = $replace = ''; //特殊字段为关联搜索 if ($this->isMatchSuffix($field, $this->selectpageSuffix)) { $inputType = 'text'; $defaultValue = ''; $attrArr['data-rule'] = 'required'; $cssClassArr[] = 'selectpage'; $selectpageController = str_replace('_', '/', substr($field, 0, strripos($field, '_'))); $attrArr['data-source'] = $selectpageController . "/index"; //如果是类型表需要特殊处理下 if ($selectpageController == 'category') { $attrArr['data-source'] = 'category/selectpage'; $attrArr['data-params'] = '##replacetext##'; $search = '"##replacetext##"'; $replace = ''{"custom[type]":"' . $table . '"}''; } elseif ($selectpageController == 'admin') { $attrArr['data-source'] = 'auth/admin/selectpage'; } elseif ($selectpageController == 'user') { $attrArr['data-source'] = 'user/user/index'; } if ($this->isMatchSuffix($field, $this->selectpagesSuffix)) { $attrArr['data-multiple'] = 'true'; } foreach ($this->fieldSelectpageMap as $m => $n) { if (in_array($field, $n)) { $attrArr['data-field'] = $m; break; } } } //因为有自动完成可输入其它内容 $step = array_intersect($cssClassArr, ['selectpage']) ? 0 : $step; $attrArr['class'] = implode(' ', $cssClassArr); $isUpload = false; if ($this->isMatchSuffix($field, array_merge($this->imageField, $this->fileField))) { $isUpload = true; } //如果是步长则加上步长 if ($step) { $attrArr['step'] = $step; } //如果是图片加上个size if ($isUpload) { $attrArr['size'] = 50; } $formAddElement = Form::input($inputType, $fieldName, $defaultValue, $attrArr); $formEditElement = Form::input($inputType, $fieldName, $editValue, $attrArr); if ($search && $replace) { $formAddElement = str_replace($search, $replace, $formAddElement); $formEditElement = str_replace($search, $replace, $formEditElement); } //如果是图片或文件 if ($isUpload) { $formAddElement = $this->getImageUpload($field, $formAddElement); $formEditElement = $this->getImageUpload($field, $formEditElement); } } //构造添加和编辑HTML信息 $addList[] = $this->getFormGroup($field, $formAddElement); $editList[] = $this->getFormGroup($field, $formEditElement); } //过滤text类型字段 if ($v['DATA_TYPE'] != 'text' && $inputType != 'fieldlist') { //主键 if ($v['COLUMN_KEY'] == 'PRI' && !$priDefined) { $priDefined = true; $javascriptList[] = "{checkbox: true}"; } if ($this->deleteTimeField == $field) { $recyclebinHtml = $this->getReplacedStub('html/recyclebin-html', ['controllerUrl' => $controllerUrl]); continue; } if (!$fields || in_array($field, explode(',', $fields))) { //构造JS列信息 $javascriptList[] = $this->getJsColumn($field, $v['DATA_TYPE'], $inputType && in_array($inputType, ['select', 'checkbox', 'radio']) ? '_text' : '', $itemArr); $ajaxList[] = $this->getAjaxColumn($field, $v['DATA_TYPE'], $inputType && in_array($inputType, ['select', 'checkbox', 'radio']) ? '_text' : '', $itemArr); } if ($this->headingFilterField && $this->headingFilterField == $field && $itemArr) { $headingHtml = $this->getReplacedStub('html/heading-html', ['field' => $field, 'fieldName' => Loader::parseName($field, 1, false)]); } //排序方式,如果有指定排序字段,否则按主键排序 $order = $field == $this->sortField ? $this->sortField : $order; } } //循环关联表,追加语言包和JS列 foreach ($relations as $index => $relation) { foreach ($relation['relationColumnList'] as $k => $v) { // 不显示的字段直接过滤掉 if ($relation['relationFields'] && !in_array($v['COLUMN_NAME'], $relation['relationFields'])) { continue; } $relationField = strtolower($relation['relationName']) . "." . $v['COLUMN_NAME']; // 语言列表 if ($v['COLUMN_COMMENT'] != '') { $langList[] = $this->getLangItem($relationField, $v['COLUMN_COMMENT']); } //过滤text类型字段 if ($v['DATA_TYPE'] != 'text') { //构造JS列信息 $javascriptList[] = $this->getJsColumn($relationField, $v['DATA_TYPE']); } } } //JS最后一列加上操作列 $javascriptList[] = str_repeat(" ", 24) . "{field: 'operate', title: __('Operate'), table: table, events: Table.api.events.operate, formatter: Table.api.formatter.operate}"; $ajaxList[] = str_repeat(" ", 24) . "['field'=>'operate', 'title'=>__('Operate'), 'table'=>'table', 'events'=> 'Table.api.events.operate', 'formatter'=>'Table.api.formatter.operate']"; $addList = implode("n", array_filter($addList)); $editList = implode("n", array_filter($editList)); $javascriptList = implode(",n", array_filter($javascriptList)); $ajaxList = implode(",n", array_filter($ajaxList)); $langList = implode(",n", array_filter($langList)); //数组等号对齐 $langList = array_filter(explode(",n", $langList . ",n")); foreach ($langList as &$line) { if (preg_match("/^s+'([^']+)'s*=>s*'([^']+)'s*/is", $line, $matches)) { $line = " '{$matches[1]}'" . str_pad('=>', ($this->fieldMaxLen - strlen($matches[1]) + 3), ' ', STR_PAD_LEFT) . " '{$matches[2]}'"; } } unset($line); $langList = implode(",n", array_filter($langList)); //表注释 $tableComment = $modelTableInfo['Comment']; $tableComment = mb_substr($tableComment, -1) == '表' ? mb_substr($tableComment, 0, -1) . '管理' : $tableComment; $modelInit = ''; if ($priKey != $order) { $modelInit = $this->getReplacedStub('mixins' . DS . 'modelinit', ['order' => $order]); } $data = [ 'databaseConfigName' => $db, 'controllerNamespace' => $controllerNamespace, 'modelNamespace' => $modelNamespace, 'validateNamespace' => $validateNamespace, 'controllerUrl' => $controllerUrl, 'controllerName' => $controllerName, 'controllerAssignList' => implode("n", $controllerAssignList), 'modelName' => $modelName, 'modelTableName' => $modelTableName, 'modelTableType' => $modelTableType, 'modelTableTypeName' => $modelTableTypeName, 'validateName' => $validateName, 'tableComment' => $tableComment, 'iconName' => $iconName, 'pk' => $priKey, 'order' => $order, 'table' => $table, 'tableName' => $modelTableName, 'addList' => $addList, 'editList' => $editList, 'javascriptList' => $javascriptList, 'ajaxList' =>$ajaxList, 'langList' => $langList, 'sofeDeleteClassPath' => in_array($this->deleteTimeField, $fieldArr) ? "use traitsmodelSoftDelete;" : '', 'softDelete' => in_array($this->deleteTimeField, $fieldArr) ? "use SoftDelete;" : '', 'modelAutoWriteTimestamp' => in_array($this->createTimeField, $fieldArr) || in_array($this->updateTimeField, $fieldArr) ? "'int'" : 'false', 'createTime' => in_array($this->createTimeField, $fieldArr) ? "'{$this->createTimeField}'" : 'false', 'updateTime' => in_array($this->updateTimeField, $fieldArr) ? "'{$this->updateTimeField}'" : 'false', 'deleteTime' => in_array($this->deleteTimeField, $fieldArr) ? "'{$this->deleteTimeField}'" : 'false', 'relationSearch' => $relations ? 'true' : 'false', 'relationWithList' => '', 'relationMethodList' => '', 'controllerIndex' => '', 'recyclebinJs' => '', 'headingHtml' => $headingHtml, 'recyclebinHtml' => $recyclebinHtml, 'visibleFieldList' => $fields ? "$row->visible(['" . implode("','", array_filter(explode(',', $fields))) . "']);" : '', 'appendAttrList' => implode(",n", $appendAttrList), 'getEnumList' => implode("nn", $getEnumArr), 'getAttrList' => implode("nn", $getAttrArr), 'setAttrList' => implode("nn", $setAttrArr), 'modelInit' => $modelInit, ]; //如果使用关联模型 if ($relations) { $relationWithList = $relationMethodList = $relationVisibleFieldList = []; foreach ($relations as $index => $relation) { //需要构造关联的方法 $relation['relationMethod'] = strtolower($relation['relationName']); //关联的模式 $relation['relationMode'] = $relation['relationMode'] == 'hasone' ? 'hasOne' : 'belongsTo'; //关联字段 $relation['relationPrimaryKey'] = $relation['relationPrimaryKey'] ? $relation['relationPrimaryKey'] : $priKey; //预载入的方法 $relationWithList[] = $relation['relationMethod']; unset($relation['relationColumnList'], $relation['relationFieldList'], $relation['relationTableInfo']); //构造关联模型的方法 $relationMethodList[] = $this->getReplacedStub('mixins' . DS . 'modelrelationmethod', $relation); //如果设置了显示主表字段,则必须显式将关联表字段显示 if ($fields) { $relationVisibleFieldList[] = "$row->visible(['{$relation['relationMethod']}']);"; } //显示的字段 if ($relation['relationFields']) { $relationVisibleFieldList[] = "$row->getRelation('" . $relation['relationMethod'] . "')->visible(['" . implode("','", $relation['relationFields']) . "']);"; } } $data['relationWithList'] = "->with(['" . implode("','", $relationWithList) . "'])"; $data['relationMethodList'] = implode("nn", $relationMethodList); $data['relationVisibleFieldList'] = implode("ntttt", $relationVisibleFieldList); //需要重写index方法 $data['controllerIndex'] = $this->getReplacedStub('controllerindex', $data); } elseif ($fields) { $data = array_merge($data, ['relationWithList' => '', 'relationMethodList' => '', 'relationVisibleFieldList' => '']); //需要重写index方法 $data['controllerIndex'] = $this->getReplacedStub('controllerindex', $data); } // 生成控制器文件 $this->writeToFile($ajaxindex?'controller_ajax':'controller', $data, $controllerFile); // 生成模型文件 $this->writeToFile('model', $data, $modelFile); if ($relations) { foreach ($relations as $i => $relation) { $relation['modelNamespace'] = $data['modelNamespace']; if (!is_file($relation['relationFile'])) { // 生成关联模型文件 $this->writeToFile('relationmodel', $relation, $relation['relationFile']); } } } // 生成验证文件 $this->writeToFile('validate', $data, $validateFile); // 生成视图文件 $this->writeToFile('add', $data, $addFile); $this->writeToFile('edit', $data, $editFile); $this->writeToFile('index', $data, $indexFile); if ($recyclebinHtml) { $this->writeToFile('recyclebin', $data, $recyclebinFile); $recyclebinTitle = in_array('title', $fieldArr) ? 'title' : (in_array('name', $fieldArr) ? 'name' : ''); $recyclebinTitleJs = $recyclebinTitle ? "n {field: '{$recyclebinTitle}', title: __('" . (ucfirst($recyclebinTitle)) . "'), align: 'left'}," : ''; $data['recyclebinJs'] = $this->getReplacedStub('mixins/recyclebinjs', ['recyclebinTitleJs' => $recyclebinTitleJs, 'controllerUrl' => $controllerUrl]); } // 生成JS文件 $this->writeToFile($ajaxindex?'javascript_ajax':'javascript', $data, $javascriptFile); // 生成语言文件 $this->writeToFile('lang', $data, $langFile); } catch (ErrorException $e) { throw new Exception("Code: " . $e->getCode() . "nLine: " . $e->getLine() . "nMessage: " . $e->getMessage() . "nFile: " . $e->getFile()); } //继续生成菜单 if ($menu) { exec("php think menu -c {$controllerUrl}"); } $output->info("Build Successed"); } protected function getEnum(&$getEnum, &$controllerAssignList, $field, $itemArr = '', $inputType = '') { if (!in_array($inputType, ['datetime', 'select', 'multiple', 'checkbox', 'radio'])) { return; } $fieldList = $this->getFieldListName($field); $methodName = 'get' . ucfirst($fieldList); foreach ($itemArr as $k => &$v) { $v = "__('" . mb_ucfirst($v) . "')"; } unset($v); $itemString = $this->getArrayString($itemArr); $getEnum[] = <<<EOD public function {$methodName}() { return [{$itemString}]; }EOD; $controllerAssignList[] = <<<EOD $this->view->assign("{$fieldList}", $this->model->{$methodName}());EOD; } protected function getAttr(&$getAttr, $field, $inputType = '') { if (!in_array($inputType, ['datetime', 'select', 'multiple', 'checkbox', 'radio'])) { return; } $attrField = ucfirst($this->getCamelizeName($field)); $getAttr[] = $this->getReplacedStub("mixins" . DS . $inputType, ['field' => $field, 'methodName' => "get{$attrField}TextAttr", 'listMethodName' => "get{$attrField}List"]); } protected function setAttr(&$setAttr, $field, $inputType = '') { if (!in_array($inputType, ['datetime', 'checkbox', 'select'])) { return; } $attrField = ucfirst($this->getCamelizeName($field)); if ($inputType == 'datetime') { $return = <<<EODreturn $value === '' ? null : ($value && !is_numeric($value) ? strtotime($value) : $value);EOD; } elseif (in_array($inputType, ['checkbox', 'select'])) { $return = <<<EODreturn is_array($value) ? implode(',', $value) : $value;EOD; } $setAttr[] = <<<EOD protected function set{$attrField}Attr($value) { $return }EOD; } protected function appendAttr(&$appendAttrList, $field) { $appendAttrList[] = <<<EOD '{$field}_text'EOD; } /** * 移除相对的空目录 * @param $parseFile * @param $parseArr * @return bool */ protected function removeEmptyBaseDir($parseFile, $parseArr) { if (count($parseArr) > 1) { $parentDir = dirname($parseFile); for ($i = 0; $i < count($parseArr); $i++) { try { $iterator = new FilesystemIterator($parentDir); $isDirEmpty = !$iterator->valid(); if ($isDirEmpty) { rmdir($parentDir); $parentDir = dirname($parentDir); } else { return true; } } catch (UnexpectedValueException $e) { return false; } } } return true; } /** * 获取控制器相关信息 * @param $module * @param $controller * @param $table * <a href="https://ask.fastadmin.net/u/20697" data-type="user" data-id="20697" data-toggle="popover" data-title="Return">@return</a> array */ protected function getControllerData($module, $controller, $table) { return $this->getParseNameData($module, $controller, $table, 'controller'); } /** * 获取模型相关信息 * @param $module * @param $model * @param $table * <a href="https://ask.fastadmin.net/u/20697" data-type="user" data-id="20697" data-toggle="popover" data-title="Return">@return</a> array */ protected function getModelData($module, $model, $table) { return $this->getParseNameData($module, $model, $table, 'model'); } /** * 获取验证器相关信息 * @param $module * @param $validate * @param $table * <a href="https://ask.fastadmin.net/u/20697" data-type="user" data-id="20697" data-toggle="popover" data-title="Return">@return</a> array */ protected function getValidateData($module, $validate, $table) { return $this->getParseNameData($module, $validate, $table, 'validate'); } /** * 获取已解析相关信息 * @param string $module 模块名称 * @param string $name 自定义名称 * @param string $table 数据表名 * @param string $type 解析类型,本例中为controller、model、validate * <a href="https://ask.fastadmin.net/u/20697" data-type="user" data-id="20697" data-toggle="popover" data-title="Return">@return</a> array */ protected function getParseNameData($module, $name, $table, $type) { $arr = []; if (!$name) { $parseName = Loader::parseName($table, 1); $parseArr = [$table]; } else { $name = str_replace(['.', '/', '\'], '/', $name); $arr = explode('/', $name); $parseName = ucfirst(array_pop($arr)); $parseArr = $arr; array_push($parseArr, $parseName); } //类名不能为内部关键字 if (in_array(strtolower($parseName), $this->internalKeywords)) { throw new Exception('Unable to use internal variable:' . $parseName); } $appNamespace = Config::get('app_namespace'); $parseNamespace = "{$appNamespace}\{$module}\{$type}" . ($arr ? "\" . implode("\", $arr) : ""); $moduleDir = APP_PATH . $module . DS; $parseFile = $moduleDir . $type . DS . ($arr ? implode(DS, $arr) . DS : '') . $parseName . '.php'; return [$parseNamespace, $parseName, $parseFile, $parseArr]; } /** * 写入到文件 * @param string $name * @param array $data * @param string $pathname * <a href="https://ask.fastadmin.net/u/20697" data-type="user" data-id="20697" data-toggle="popover" data-title="Return">@return</a> mixed */ protected function writeToFile($name, $data, $pathname) { foreach ($data as $index => &$datum) { $datum = is_array($datum) ? '' : $datum; } unset($datum); $content = $this->getReplacedStub($name, $data); if (!is_dir(dirname($pathname))) { mkdir(dirname($pathname), 0755, true); } return file_put_contents($pathname, $content); } /** * 获取替换后的数据 * @param string $name * @param array $data * <a href="https://ask.fastadmin.net/u/20697" data-type="user" data-id="20697" data-toggle="popover" data-title="Return">@return</a> string */ protected function getReplacedStub($name, $data) { foreach ($data as $index => &$datum) { $datum = is_array($datum) ? '' : $datum; } unset($datum); $search = $replace = []; foreach ($data as $k => $v) { $search[] = "{%{$k}%}"; $replace[] = $v; } $stubname = $this->getStub($name); if (isset($this->stubList[$stubname])) { $stub = $this->stubList[$stubname]; } else { $this->stubList[$stubname] = $stub = file_get_contents($stubname); } $content = str_replace($search, $replace, $stub); return $content; } /** * 获取基础模板 * @param string $name * <a href="https://ask.fastadmin.net/u/20697" data-type="user" data-id="20697" data-toggle="popover" data-title="Return">@return</a> string */ protected function getStub($name) { return __DIR__ . DS . 'Crud' . DS . 'stubs' . DS . $name . '.stub'; } protected function getLangItem($field, $content) { if ($content || !Lang::has($field)) { $this->fieldMaxLen = strlen($field) > $this->fieldMaxLen ? strlen($field) : $this->fieldMaxLen; $content = str_replace(',', ',', $content); if (stripos($content, ':') !== false && stripos($content, ',') && stripos($content, '=') !== false) { list($fieldLang, $item) = explode(':', $content); $itemArr = [$field => $fieldLang]; foreach (explode(',', $item) as $k => $v) { $valArr = explode('=', $v); if (count($valArr) == 2) { list($key, $value) = $valArr; $itemArr[$field . ' ' . $key] = $value; $this->fieldMaxLen = strlen($field . ' ' . $key) > $this->fieldMaxLen ? strlen($field . ' ' . $key) : $this->fieldMaxLen; } } } else { $itemArr = [$field => $content]; } $resultArr = []; foreach ($itemArr as $k => $v) { $resultArr[] = " '" . mb_ucfirst($k) . "' => '{$v}'"; } return implode(",n", $resultA
各类知识收集 拥有多年CMS企业建站经验,对
未经允许不得转载:Str Tom工作室 » FastAdmin中的表格列表动态加载列