PHP实战<?php/** Created on 2016-9-29**/$orig = "I'll "walk" the <b>dog</b> now";$a = htmlentities($orig);$b = html_entity_decode($a);echo $a; // I'll "walk" the <b>dog</b> nowecho $b; // I'll "walk" the <b>dog</b> now// For users prior to PHP 4.3.0 you may do this:function unhtmlentities($string){ // replace numeric entities $string = preg_replace('~&#x([0-9a-f]+);~ei', 'chr(hexdec("\1"))', $string); $string = preg_replace('~&#([0-9]+);~e', 'chr("\1")', $string); // replace literal entities $trans_tbl = get_html_translation_table(HTML_ENTITIES); $trans_tbl = array_flip($trans_tbl); return strtr($string, $trans_tbl);}$c = unhtmlentities($a);echo $c; // I'll "walk" the <b>dog</b> now?>
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