《PHP实战:分享PHP-pcntl 实现多进程代码》要点:
本文介绍了PHP实战:分享PHP-pcntl 实现多进程代码,希望对您有用。如果有疑问,可以联系我们。
<?php$arChildId = array();for($i = 0; $i < 10; $i++){$iPid = pcntl_fork();if($iPid == -1){ die('can't be forked.');}if($iPid){ # 主进程逻辑 $arChildId[] = $iPid;}else { # 子进程逻辑 $iPid = posix_getpid(); # 获取子进程的ID $iSeconds = rand(5, 30); echo '* Process '. $iPid. ' was created, and Executed, and Sleep '. $iSeconds. PHP_EOL; excuteProcess($iPid, $iSeconds); exit();}}while(count($arChildId) > 0){foreach($arChildId as $iKey=> $iPid){ $res = pcntl_waitpid($iPid, $status, WNOHANG); if($res == -1 || $res > 0) { unset($arChildId[$iKey]); echo '* Sub process: '. $iPid. ' exited with '. $status. PHP_EOL; }}}# 子进程执行的逻辑function excuteProcess($iPid, $iSeconds){file_put_contents('./log/'.$iPid.'.log', $iPid.PHP_EOL, FILE_APPEND);sleep($iSeconds);}?>
* Process 16163 was created, and Executed, and Sleep 11* Process 16164 was created, and Executed, and Sleep 21* Process 16165 was created, and Executed, and Sleep 24* Process 16166 was created, and Executed, and Sleep 27* Process 16167 was created, and Executed, and Sleep 8* Process 16168 was created, and Executed, and Sleep 14* Process 16169 was created, and Executed, and Sleep 14* Process 16170 was created, and Executed, and Sleep 26* Process 16171 was created, and Executed, and Sleep 20* Process 16172 was created, and Executed, and Sleep 21* Sub process: 16167 exited with 0* Sub process: 16163 exited with 0* Sub process: 16169 exited with 0* Sub process: 16168 exited with 0* Sub process: 16171 exited with 0* Sub process: 16164 exited with 0* Sub process: 16172 exited with 0* Sub process: 16165 exited with 0* Sub process: 16170 exited with 0* Sub process: 16166 exited with 0
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