{pc:content action="lists" catid="$catid" where="posids`!='0'" thumb="1" num="10"}
- f(isset($data['where'])) {
- $sql = $data['where'];
- } else {
- $thumb = intval($data['thumb']) ? " AND thumb != ''" : '';
- if($this->category[$catid]['child']) {
- $catids_str = $this->category[$catid]['arrchildid'];
- $pos = strpos($catids_str,',')+1;
- $catids_str = substr($catids_str, $pos);
- $sql = "status=99 AND catid IN ($catids_str)".$thumb;
- } else {
- $sql = "status=99 AND catid='$catid'".$thumb;
- }
- }
- if(isset($data['where'])) {
- $where = (isset($data['where'])&&(!empty($data['where'])))?' AND '.$data['where']:'';
- $thumb = intval($data['thumb']) ? " AND thumb != ''" : '';
- if($this->category[$catid]['child']) {
- $catids_str = $this->category[$catid]['arrchildid'];
- $pos = strpos($catids_str,',')+1;
- $catids_str = substr($catids_str, $pos);
- $sql = "status=99".$where." AND catid IN ($catids_str)".$thumb;
- } else {
- $sql = "status=99".$where." AND catid='$catid'".$thumb;
- }
- } else {
- $thumb = intval($data['thumb']) ? " AND thumb != ''" : '';
- if($this->category[$catid]['child']) {
- $catids_str = $this->category[$catid]['arrchildid'];
- $pos = strpos($catids_str,',')+1;
- $catids_str = substr($catids_str, $pos);
- $sql = "status=99 AND catid IN ($catids_str)".$thumb;
- } else {
- $sql = "status=99 AND catid='$catid'".$thumb;
- }
- }
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未经允许不得转载:Str Tom工作室 » 解决lists标签中,加上where后其他条件失效的问题